Our mission makes us different from other mens' charities.

One of the most important goals of the Foundation for Male Studies is to inject the study of the male into college and university programs, and bring awareness about the psychology and science, from a biological, not political perspective.

This means and includes defining how the scientific and academic study of the male will benefit all people — male and female, not alienating, but understanding the challenges girls face as well as boys, and never aiming to take away from addressing those challenges. Now more than ever, with the challenges caused by Covid-19, is it more important to build infrastructure in colleges and universities that address boys’ and young mens’ mental health, and to provide services that benefit both men and women.

The fundamental mission of the Foundation for Male Studies is to foster intellectually rigorous and groundbreaking research on the state of males around the world. The discovery and communication of new knowledge is the core of its mission. Through the creation of comprehensive programs and curricula at major research universities, the Foundation will address the gap in scholarship and scientific research that exists between the study of males and females, while investigating, reporting on, teaching about and leading an international dialog regarding the state of males within disciplines including biology, sociology, literature, economics, law, political science, public policy, psychology, anthropology, medicine and education.

How will we do it?

The Foundation works towards creating more inclusive mental health services at colleges and universities, that address the needs of boys as well as girls. We can reduce polarization by understanding that men and women's issues are interconnected.

Our focus

We continue to work towards ending roadblocks both sexes face, to improve the state of males, and lead to improved outcomes in the legal system for men. This ultimately benefits entire families.

Do you understand the science behind the behavior of boys? Imagine a world where all boys and girls, men and women, understand and respect each other. To make this a reality, we must have the scientific education in place.

We help Nepal

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We help India

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    With a multidisciplinary approach and history of leadership in the study of males, the Foundation for Male Studies is the leading resource and advocate for comprehensive scholarly, medical, political and sociological research about males.

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    By adding the study of men and boys as males to the existing canon, the Foundation fills critical gaps in knowledge, advances the body of knowledge for all people, and encourages women, men, boys and girls to fulfill their human potential.

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    With an emphasis on adding classes, seminars, symposiums, workshops and conferences to the curricula of leading research universities, the Foundation supports the work of Male Studies scholars, where it can have maximum impact: communicating to the next generation, to the scholarly, regional and national press, and to the think tanks, institutes and peer foundations that influence public policy, legislation and mass discourse.

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    With more than 20 years of experience in the field, and a track record of high profile publications, symposia and grants to promising young scholars, the Foundation for Male Studies “gets things done” and is uniquely positioned to support the creation of a new infrastructure for the multi-disciplinary study of males.